Josh Pocock Talks About the Motivation Myth

TORONTO, Ontario, February 27 – Josh Pocock is Founder and CEO at Executive Stride, a redhot marketing agency offering one of the most effective automated lead generation services available for businesses today.  Josh started the company in 2018, when he was just 20.  And while Josh’s journey to successful business owner and entrepreneurship may seem impressive, it’s been far from easy.  

Entrepreneurs are known for their tenacity and commitment – they’re hard workers who go into projects with enthusiasm and find success because they can convince other people of the value of their ideas. Motivation is a key factor in sustaining this energy, creativity, and drive. The role of motivation in entrepreneurship is foundational to success.

“Tons of people ask me where I get my drive and motivation.  They see me grinding morning to night and assume this is just the way I’m built,” Josh laughs.  

“But the truth is, I’ve learned that I can’t wait for motivation to begin my work.  Motivation isn’t what fires the passion to begin – real motivation is what happens after you start.”

Josh says he always knew he wanted to be an entrepreneur and his first foray into the world of business was as a commission-only door-to-door sales representative.  Within a year, Josh was able to create a team of ace sales agents, and by 18, he’d become the top sales manager in the company.  All the while, Josh continued to study and learn.  He had a clear understanding of the importance of gathering knowledge, so regardless how busy his day, he always made time to further his business education; Josh completed dozens of online courses and mentorship programs, which helped prepare him for his next step:  Starting his own business.  But even though he’d gathered all the expertise he needed to begin, for a few months Josh did nothing.

“I had all the knowledge I needed to start my own agency.  I kept complaining to myself that I ‘had no motivation’, but eventually I had to admit that I was just paralyzed by fears.  In a way, I cared too much.  My huge aspirations for my business had overwhelmed my ability to take action.”

Josh learned that being too attached to lofty goals can negatively impact motivation.  Now when Josh has a goal, he designs the very best process possible to help him achieve that objective.  And then he forgets about the goal and simply ‘works the process’.

“When you consistently are doing the right things, success is inevitable.  I’ve found that the key to staying motivated is to enjoy the small, seemingly minor successes.  Achieving even small things makes us feel better about ourselves.”

In addition to understanding one’s own motivation for starting a business, Entrepreneurs must be able to motivate others.  Josh says that motivation is key to keeping everyone on the same page about the mission of a new business venture and working towards its fulfillment.

And the great thing about owning a business, is that the rewards of entrepreneurship are huge.  Greater Freedom.  Greater Income.  Greater Control and Creativity.  These are just a few of the outcomes that happen along the path of entrepreneurship.

“Another motivation hack I’ve found is that when you achieve in one area of your life, it helps you feel better about other areas of your life.”  Josh says that if he’s struggling with motivation on one project, he’ll tackle another project that he knows he can master successfully.  

“When I successfully complete one task, it often spurs me on to complete more challenging projects!”

With Executive Stride, Josh has built a business that provides clients with the leads, tools and know-how, but to be a successful entrepreneur.  Josh was able to grow his company fast and once he’d established a system for building profitable online businesses, he wanted to help other people – the Executive Stride Training programs are designed for people passionate about entrepreneurship and looking to build a sustainable income from the comfort of their laptop. These programs include step-by-step guidelines with everything you need to know about setting up a fully automated client lead generation system that works 24/7/365.  

 Executive Stride is currently offering its Lead Generation and Stride Training services to businesses in North America, Australia, and the UK. 

If you’d like to learn more about Executive Stride and the services offered check out their website  People who are keen to learn more about Josh can visit his personal website,

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