Find Your People; Creating An Inspiring Community To Leverage Success with Henny Yeshanew

Henok Yeshanew (known to many as Henny) started in the marketing industry at age 20, creating his business Lion Marketing just after graduating university and studying to be a lawyer. Since then, he has vouched to do all he can to empower underprivileged communities, teaching them how to harness the power of unconventional education in order to succeed. Helping others is at the core of his values, and he has been on several stages providing keynote presentations on topics ranging from social media marketing, entrepreneurship, influencer marketing and one of his biggest passions, breaking the immigrant cycle.

Alongside the success of his marketing business Lion Marketing, Henny has launched a magazine called Trad Magazine, an African magazine which he aims to eventually grow into an event and support agency that is one of the top in the world. He has also been working with and contributing to a range of non-profit companies, including Fifty For Free Organization, Ambition Conference and Entrepreneur Pitch Competition.

How To Do It All

Henny was recently the recipient of a Top 40 Under 40 Award, multiple business leaderships awards for his success with the marketing agency, and also awards for his community work with youth development. He continues to provide guidance, support and mentorship for multiple non-profits, teaching them in utilizing the marketing world.

He preaches developing a strong vision, and keeping it in mind when working towards your goals. He emphasizes the importance of living in the moment, absorbing the information surrounding you as you’re, travelling, meeting people or just merely living in order to learn from every experience and upgrade your mindset.

The key is always keeping your end goal in sight, but making sure you put your entire focus on the next things on your to-do list, working on your short term goals in order to build on each success and thrive in the future. Planning and strategizing ways to achieve your goals is important, and a good lesson for us not to get too caught up on changing the long term goal, but focusing, giving all you can to your idea, and seeing it through.

Create Your Community:

He stresses the importance of empowering others no matter what stage you are at in life, and building and developing a community of like-minded individuals in order to learn from others, and gain inspiration. Finding a mentor who has walked a similar path to you and not being afraid to ask them for help and guidance is important. Lastly, to “never do any venture alone, as everything is better with a team you trust”.

To follow Henny’s journey, check out his Instagram @hennyempowers

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