Covid Has Changed How We Eat- Learn About The New Normal From Chef Faisal Ahmed Aldeleigan

The current Coronavirus pandemic the world is dealing with has changed the way we view food. Dine-ins and options of take away, look more risky than usual. This has resulted in people being more inclined towards home cooked food with the aim of maintaining hygiene. This situation looks a bit overwhelming but…we have Chef Faisal Ahmed Aldeleigan to the rescue.

A humble world renowned banker turned chef and a member of the prestigious World MasterChef Society, Chef Faisal who is a food entrepreneur with a long standing experience holding his place in the top 10 chefs of the world- provides three key tips to help you ace cooking while also remaining sane throughout:

  • Play around with different staple ingredients: Chef Faisal provides the one trick with staple ingredients like black, pinto beans or chickpeas, which is a great opportunity to cook them in their most basic form and use that as a way to repurpose them. Like one day you eat them cooked, the next day you puree a little bit for soup, the next day you make a warm salad.
  • Pre-plan your meals: The merit that comes with deciding in advance what you need to cook the following day is that a lot of last minute stress is easily avoided. Chef Faisal says, “Pre-planning meals also means making sure that you have all the necessary ingredients for the meals you’ll be preparing.”
  • Make vegetables your friends: Chef Faisal who started his very own consultancy firm – “Chef Faisal Consultation” and has provided 100 consultancies in KSA and Bahrain, expressed that the one beneficial step is to make do with veggies and curate simple recipes such as – a rainbow bowl with veggies tossed in tofu or chicken.
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These tips given by Chef Faisal are useful in managing the crisis that every beginner would be facing. Chef Faisal is a social media influencer and has successfully brought the art of intimate cooking to the masses.

Chef Faisal himself is very passionate and leaves no stone unturned to instill the same passion in others by being ever ready to provide his expertise in marketing and culinary to budding restaurants. He says, “cooking brings a lot of discipline and comes with a certain sense of responsibility and if done with the heart, it can give you the after effects of a good meditation session.” His humble and empathetic story- truer than its surroundings and guidance can be followed on Instagram at @cheffaisalco

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