10 Famous American Women Who Altered Their Look: Breast Augmentation to Plastic Surgery

Women of all ages, races, professions, and backgrounds have taken advantage of the wonders of plastic surgery to transform their appearances. All across the tabloids are stories of how famous individuals go under the scalpel in order to achieve their dream look. While undergoing surgery for aesthetic purposes has sometimes received a bad reputation, many individuals are speaking out to change the stigma, showing women that surgery is a practical and safe way to change their bodies or faces. With the notable procedures for breast augmentation NYC doctors typically do, it’s no wonder plastic surgery in the New York metro is gaining such popularity quickly!

Rebecca Adlington 

Rebecca Adlington

Previously known for her unusual nose shape, former Olympic gold-medalist Rebecca Adlington decided to follow through with rhinoplasty surgery to remove the bump from her easily-recognized nose. While the change was not dramatic, it is a prime example of how plastic surgery can make simple, but life-changing alterations. 

Caitlyn Jenner (Once Bruce Jenner)

Caitlyn Jenner

Aside from gender transformation surgeries, former Olympic champion, Caitlyn Jenner has long been known for utilizing plastic surgeons for changes to her face and nose. The Kardashians and Jenners have a long-running history with procedures. Caitlyn is also reported to have had multiple boob jobs and face-procedures. While the surgery was necessary for physical adaptation, she still speaks positively about her experiences. Jenner is one of the most noteworthy transgenders worldwide, and it most definitely took a significant amount of time to get her body to where it is today. 

Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson

Though she does not enjoy talking about her past under the knife, she reportedly had both a nose job and a boob job in 2010. She has never been a fan of the paparazzi and has often slammed them for asking questions that she deems inappropriate. She wants people to focus more on how she acts and treats others and worry less about her physical appearance. Yet she is known by many for her looks. 

Serena Williams

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Serena Williams

The world-renowned tennis star and athlete has reportedly spent a significant amount of time in surgery for both a nose job and a breast reduction. However, she has never made any mention of plastic surgery publicly.   She is listed as one of the most elite athletes who had plastic surgery.

Cindy Crawford

Cindy Crawford

The well-known American actress attributes the quality of her skin to her cosmetic surgeon. At 54-years-old, she still has radiant and smooth skin. Most often, she has received botox. However, there is some speculation that other procedures have happened.

Denise Richards

Denise Richards

As a TV star and model known for her good looks and cheekbones, Richards has been the constant recipient of plastic surgery accusations. Yet, she only admits to having a breast augmentation. 

Pamela Anderson

Pamela Anderson

As a  woman of many trades, including modeling, acting, writing and more, Pamela Anderson has always sought to keep up with her physical appearance. She is not afraid to admit to her past procedures, explaining that each woman can make decisions for herself. She also recognizes that the results of her surgeries will remain with her for the rest of her life. 

Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham

Popular public figure, Victoria Beckham, has been under fire multiple times after making claims that she would never undergo a surgical procedure for physical appearance. Still, she apparently had a boob job just a few years prior. According to some sources, she has also had work done on her face and nose.

Sharon Osbourne

Sharon Osbourne

Famous television personality and business professional, Sharon Osborne admitted that her fourth facelift at the end of 2019 was a painful one. Now, at 67 years old, she claims that she is finished with procedures. Still, she has never been shy about her experiences with surgery and all of her past procedures had a clear purpose.

Kelly Rowland

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Kelly Rowland

Though she wanted plastic surgery before she was 20-years-old, Rowland eventually went through with a breast augmentation at age 28 after heeding the advice of her mother. She opens up regularly about how she now has boosted confidence and body image. Through all things, her goal is to keep it real.

The breast augmentation NYC doctors typically do is top of the line. Women everywhere are raving about the results and simplicity of achieving their dream look. And today, surgeries are faster and more affordable than ever. The number of women using surgical procedures to stay looking young longer will likely continue to increase into 2021 and beyond.

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