Going Viral: The rise of ‘Most Amazing Videos On The Internet’ a Facebook page crafted with love

We had the pleasure of speaking to one of the best creators on Facebook, to help understand how the virality factor is changing the dynamics of Digital Marketing and helping creators go big in 2020. The Facebook page ‘Most Amazing Videos On the Internet” was started back in 2014 with the end goal of engaging more audiences and providing them with the best content out there.

If you’re one of the 1 billion active users on Facebook, then you’ve likely noticed a recent surge of video content taking over your News Feed. And if you’re anything like me, you’ve found this content shift enhances your Facebook browsing experience in most instances.

More and more marketers are becoming aware of this powerful content format, and are quickly hopping on board the video trend to give their viewers what they want. Even more powerful than providing a resonant brand experience is the fact that videos convert.

Here’s what they had to say to all the creators out there trying to make it big on the most loved and biggest social network platform on the Internet:

The “going to give” mentality.

According to them, “the not-so-secret ‘secret sauce’ to our success has always been based on the simple premise of providing good value to our fans.”

This premise has resulted in what they call the “going to give” mentality, which simply means that every piece of content their team produces is approached with a giving attitude rather than a receiving one. This mentality ensures each of their videos produces, “a tidal wave of more likes, shares, comments and, of course, new fans,”.

Adopt the “going to give” mentality: Video marketing success rests on one core concept: providing amazing value.

It all starts with a great idea:  “If you want a video to go viral, it should be something everyone can relate to. Something sweet and upbeat.” Brainstorm before crafting a video. Find that one amazing and relatable idea, and then go crazy with it.

Get the details right: “There are several other factors to keep in mind when creating videos. The correct format and video length, a good thumbnail, a good title, correct tags, etc.” These may seem like boring, irrelevant details, but they make a big difference. Take the time to get them right.

Give Users a Taste of the Content: Use your Facebook post copy to describe the content of your video. This will help convince users to commit to watching the video.

Taking the time to stop and view a video online can seem like a large time commitment for some.

By providing Facebook users with a brief synopsis on what the content is about, you can help to increase the chances that the video may spark their interest and that they will want to watch it.

An informative sentence and a fitting thumbnail can easily achieve this.

Keep It Simple: This classic point can be applied to many things, including encouraging engagement with your Facebook videos.

Don’t try to throw too much at users at once with a Facebook video.

If you want to increase the likelihood of a video being consumed and then shared, it needs to emphasize one simple, easy-to-understand point.

Making your content easy to digest and understand will increase the chances that users will actually share your videos.

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